NEC Express5800 kISO and Driver Kit: Installation Information


This site provides bootable kISO media with an updated installation workflow required to install SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 on NEC Express5800 systems.

This site also provides a driver kit (x86_64 only) containing updated drivers for use with NEC Express5800 systems.


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 1

i386, x86_64

kISO installation source

Please download the appropriate ISO image below, burn it to an empty CD media and start the installation using that media. During installation, an updated installation workflow will be used and modifications saved onto the system. This media only boots the hardware and kicks off the installation. Once booted, it will prompt for Disk 1 of the SUSE Linux Enterprise installation media to complete the installation.

Further information on using kISO media can be found here.

Name Size MD5SUM Download
NEC_HPA_kISO_i386.iso 183M ed11a41899e60524452030cc5de0a2b8 download
NEC_HPA_kISO_x86_64.iso 187M ac814fd3b1060236e0c3ec6243c733ed download

driver kit installation source

Note: When using YaST and selecting a driver kit's pattern, the packages which appear as selected may not be correct. This is a cosmetic issue only; even though the incorrect packages may appear selected, the correct packages will be installed. The cosmetic issue may be corrected by clicking the "Check" button on the package selection screen.

The driver kit installation source is found at the following URL:

To install the updated drivers from this location, add the URL as an installation source in YaST.

You can also download a Driver Kit add-on product iso image to use for installation. The iso image also includes boot time installation of drivers if required for boot time hardware access.

Name Size MD5SUM Download
Express5800_sle11sp1.iso 1.7M 12c7eed655edc9bf2baf15513fe4cc8d download

updates to this driver kit are found at:

driver kit package names and versions



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